Journal: Jour. of Min. Geology, , 2007
Author: Imeokparia, E.G., and Onyeobi, T.U.S

Prof. IMEOKPARIA EBO GABRIELB.Sc. Hons (Ibadan), M.Phil (Ibadan) Ph.D. (Ibadan)
- Designation: Professor
- Office/Department: Earth Sciences Department
- Specialisation: Mineral Deposit Research, Ore Petrology, Exploration, Environmental Geochemistry and Mineral Geochem
- Tel:
Scholarly/Professional Summary
Professor Ebo Gabriel Imeokparia is Professor of Applied Geochemistry and EconomicGeology, Department of Earth Sciences, Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Delta State, Nigeria. He teaches Economic Geology, Petrology, Mineralogy,Exploration Geochemistry, Research Methods and Environmental Geochemistry.
Professor Imeokparia has been privilege to teach Geoscience subjects to undergraduate and postgraduate students of the university of Ibadan, (where he began his university teaching career), University of Benin (before taking up tenure appointment with Federal University of Petroleum Resources (Fupre), Federal University of Technology Yola (Sabbactical Appointment), Delta State University, Abraka (Sabbactical appointment), Kogi State University Anyingba (Sabbactical appointment) and Adekunle Ajasin University, Ajungba, Ondo State(Sabbactical appointment).
Professor Imeokparia’s primary research areas focus on Ore deposit research evaluation,Mineral Exploration, Igneous and Metamorphic Geochemistry, Geochemistry of Sedimentary rocks, Environmental Geochemistry and Mineral geochemistry.
Professor Imeokparia’s publications which spread over his primary area of research focus has been widely published and acknowledged in both International and local/national peer review journals. Professor Imeokparia’s research on the Younger Granites of Nigeria has led to a better understanding of their geological/geochemical evolution and ore bearing systems.
Professor Imeokparia is a distinguished member of International and National Associations.He is a fellow of the International Association of Applied Geochemistry (AAG),Member of the American Association of Petroleum Geology, (AAPG), Member Nigerian Association of Petroleum Geology (NAPE), Member Nigerian Association of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Member Institution of Mining and Metallurgy (IMM) London,Member Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society, Member, Geological Society of Africa. Professor Imeokparia is a registered Geoscientist with COMEG.
Professor Imeokparia has served as reviewer for some reputable local and international Journals and has continued to mentor young geoscientists in the field ofmineral exploration and environmental geochemistry.
Out side the university Professor Imeokparia is involved in Pastorial and counseling activities serving as Chairman of Governing Council of one of the foremost International Bible College and Seminary, Benin City, Nigeria.
Other Information
M.Phil. Geology, 1977, University ofIbadan.
Ph.D Geology, 1980, University ofIbadan.
I have been involved in teaching the following courses atthe University Level.:
Igneous Petrology (Undergraduate)
Advanced Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (Undergraduate)
Exploration Geochemistry (Undergraduate and Postgraduate)
Geology of Ore deposits (Undergraduate)
Environmental Geology (Undergraduate)/AdvancedEnvironmental Geology (Postgraduate).
Geology and Geochemistry of Ore deposits (Postgraduate)
Environmental Geochemistry (Postgraduate)
Industrial Mineralogy (Postgraduate)
Geology and Geochemistry of Petroleum related fluids(Postgraduate)
Economic Geology (Undergraduate)
Soil Pollution and reclamation.
Contaminant Hydrogeochemistry
Environmental Pollution.
Petrology, Geochemistry and Metallogency on AnorogenicFelsic Granites of Nigeria.
Mineralogical and Geochemical Appraisals of Clay Depositsfor Industrial Utilization.
Environmental Impact Assessment Studies of Ore FieldsIncluding Oil and Gas.
Geochemical Appraisal of Sedimentary rocks.
Soil Geochemistryin Relation to soil fertility.
Resource Person: Raw Material Research and DevelopmentAgency
Member Editorial Board – Journal of Environmental Science
Referee, Journal of Mining and Geology
Referee, Nigerian Journal of Applied Science
Referee, Nigerian Journal of Agriculture, Science andTechnology
Referee, African Journal of Science and Technology
Editor, Geological Archires.
Professorial assessor for various Nigerian Universities.
External Examiner, M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D and B.Sc degrees.
Member,Nigerian Science Association
Member,Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society
Member,Geological Society of Africa
Member,Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London
Fellow,Association of Applied Geochemists
Member,Nigerian Association of Petroleum Explorationists (NAPE)
Member,American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
COMEGRegistered Geoscientist (Reg No GEM 002038).
The geochemistry and depositional characteristics of Maastrichtan shales from southwest Nigeria.
Using factor Cluster analysis and enrichment methods to evaluate impact of cement production on str ...
Journal: Advances in Applied Science Research, 2011
Author: Ameh, E.G., Kolawole, M.S. and Imeokparia, E.G.
Compositional, Geotechnical and Industrial Characteristics of Some Clay Bodies in Southern Nigeria
Journal: Jour. of Geography and Geology, 2013
Author: Onyeobi T.U.S Imeokparia, E.G. Ilegieuno O.A and Egbuniwe I.G
Geochemistry and Environmetric Approaches to Estimating Pollution Impacts on soils around Okaba Coa ...
Journal: Brit. Jour of Applied Science and Technology, 2014
Author: Ameh, E.G. Imasuen, I.O. and Imeokparia, E.G
Hydrogeological Studies for Groundwater resource and its vulnerability to contamination in Owo, Sout ...
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2015
Author: Falowo, O.O, and Imeokparia, E.G
Hydrogeological Studies for Groundwater resource and its vulnerability to contamination in Owo, Sout ...
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2015
Author: Falowo, O.O, and Imeokparia, E.G
The shere igneous complex central Nigeria. Geochemical constraints on the origin of peralkaline and ...
Journal: Geologie en Mujinbow, 1990
Author: Imeokparia, E.G., and Badejoko, T.A. 1990
Fluorine and Chlorine in granitic rocks from Jos Bukuru Complex, Central Nigeria.
Journal: African Jour. Science and technology, 1989
Author: Imeokparia, E.G
Metalization of the Ririwai Complex, Northern Nigeria and the Geochemical Evolution of Acid Magmas i ...
Journal: Geological Society of America, 1989
Author: Chalokwu, C.I. and Imeokparia, E.G.
Relationship between alteration rare-earth element distribution and mineralization of the Ririwai Zn ...
Journal: African Jour. Sci. and Technology, , 1990
Author: Imeokparia, E.G., and Chalokwu, C.I
Petrochemistry of the Gamawa Syenite-Granite Complex, Northern Nigeria.
Journal: African Journal Science and Technology, , 1990
Author: Imeokparia, E.G
Protoliths and Petrogenesis of Precambrian gneisses from the Igbeti Area Southwest Nigeria
Journal: Chemie der Erde, 1991
Author: Imeokparia, E.G., and Emofurieta, W.O
geochemical and isotopic evidence for crystal melt fluid phase equilibra and late stage fluid rock ...
Journal: African Journal of Science and technology, , 1992
Author: Imeokparia, E.G.
Petrological and Geochemical Characteristics of some Mesozoic granitic rocks hosting Sn-Nb-W-U miner ...
Journal: Petrogenesis and Minealization of Ganitoids Science Press, Beijing, China, 1992
Author: Imeokparia, E.G.
Geochemistry of Marbles and Calc-silicate rocks in the Igarra Schist Belt, southwest Nigeria
Journal: . African Journal of Science and Technology,, 1995
Author: Emofurieta, W.O. Imeokparia, E.G., and Ayuk,
Geochemical and mineralogical Transformation in Red Tropical Soil profiles from Southwestern Nigeria
Journal: African Jour. of Science and Technology., 1995
Author: Onyeobi, T.U.S. and Imeokparia, E.G
Rare-earth and other element mobility accompanying Albitization and mineralization in the Odegi gra ...
Journal: African Jour. Science and Technology, 1996
Author: Imeokparia, E.G.
Evaluation of heavy metal pollutant from soils at Municipal Waste Dump in parts of Lagos metropolis ...
Journal: Nig. Jour. Applied Science, 2009
Author: Imeokparia, E.G. Onyeobi, T.U.S and Nwanchi Des. A.E.
2014: Heavy Metal Contamination and Distribution in Soils around Pb-Zn mines of Abakaliki district, ...
Journal: Frontiers in Geosciences, 2014
Author: Onyeobi, T.U.S. and Imeokparia, E.G.,
The Applied Geochemist and the Challenges of Georesource Evaluation for Sustainable development and ...
Journal: University of Benin, Benin City, 2015
Author: Imeokparia, E.G.